Wireless technologies and policies

ATI users frequently are on the road and using wifi away from the office.  This can pose a unique security risk.  Team members are expected to follow the following guidelines:

  • Wifi is either secured or unsecured.  You should know how to recognize when you are using a secured or unsecured connection.  See the image below for more information.
  • Know that an unsecured wifi connection allows anyone else using that connection to monitor your communication.  If you are accessing, sending, or receiving information that is private, or should be kept secure, do not use an unsecured connection.
In this example, Starbucks Wifi shows the yellow warning shield indicating that it is not encrypted.

In this example, Starbucks Wifi shows the yellow warning shield indicating that it is not encrypted.

Remember: If you are accessing sensitive or confidential company data you MUST be connected to a secured Wifi access point.


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