Acceptable use policies for connected devices
ATI team members who use laptops, desktops, tablets, phones or other connected devices to connect to company networks or access company data are subject to the ATI team Acceptable Use Policy. The policy includes the following:
- ATI devices are required to be kept physically safe and secure, both at home, office or in transit.
- Team members may access personal data on ATI devices, such as email, as long as company security practices are followed (complex passwords, following company procedures to connect to secure access points, etc.)
- Since most ATI team members own their own laptop computers and phones, ATI does not have direct control over these devices. However applicable security practices outlined on these pages must be practiced to ensure the security of company and customer data.
- Generally accepted safe computer practices are expected from all team members. ATI team members are not permitted to use ATI devices, or while handling company business, in the following manners:
- Accessing, uploading downloading or distributing sexually explicit materials
- Violating any local, state, or federal stature
- Accessing another user's materials, information of files without the specific permission of that user
- Violating copyright or otherwise using the intellectual property of another individual without permission.
- Using passwords other than one's own without written permission from that person